Do you struggle to find or afford child care? Have you had to adjust your schedule, make big changes to your household budget, or stop working entirely because of child care issues? If you answer “yes,” know that thousands of parents across Washington state are in the same position.
We need legislators to make big investments in child care, to make them affordable for families, and make these good Union jobs that don’t have sky-high turnover. Some legislators say they don’t hear from their constituents that this is a problem — so we need to make them hear us!
Click here to send a message to your legislators. Please personalize it with your story – it’s much more impactful than sending a form letter. Here are some prompts to consider:
- How much do you pay for child care, and did you have to make changes to your household budget to afford care? What was that like?
- Do you know coworkers or friends who are struggling with child care?
- Was it hard to find child care? How long did it take? Did you have to get on multiple waiting lists?