Janus Preparation

WSLC Janus Preparation Training

June 6, 2018

Watch the webinar! (password: UnionStrong)

(Download slides from the PowerPoint presentation.)

10 a.m. – Introductions

10:15 a.m. – Welcome/Context for the Training (Jeff Johnson/Lynne Dodson)

10:30 a.m. – West Coast Coordination & Day of Action Activities

  1. Coordination (April Sims)
  2. Actions (Cherika Carter) — Janus Decision Day Rallies FLYER

10:35 a.m. – Checklists (April)

  1. Janus Decision Day CHECKLIST
  2. Readiness CHECKLIST

11 a.m. – Compliance  (Dmitri Iglitzen)

  1. Readiness checklist
  2. Legal Guidance on 2018 Union Bills

Noon – Toolkit and Messaging (David Groves)

  2. WSLC officers’ draft press statement for Decision Day

12:30 p.m. – Lunch

1 p.m. – Messaging Practice

Participants will break into groups and practice using the Toolkit to respond to various scenarios and receive feedback from the other groups.

2 p.m. – Letters to the Editor

2:30 p.m. – Wrap up/close

  1. Q&A
  2. Next Steps — Worksite Conversation Training on June 14

At this June 6 training, representatives of WSLC-affiliated unions in attendance agreed to share some documents with other unions, including:

WSNA letter to employers re: Employee Privacy